Suri Network

P.O. Box 1984
Estes Park, CO 80517
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 586-6685

Suri Alpaca Photos

Bronze Statue Winners

2009 Winning Bidder:
At the 2009 Suri Network Summer Symposium, Dick Walker of SuperSuris Alpacas, was the winning bidder of the Suri Network Bronze Sculpture.  The winner has the privilege of keeping the sculpture for one year at their farm.

Dick Walker at the 2009 Summer Symposium

Dick & Nancy Walker
SuperSuris Alpacas
16219 N. Day-Mt. Spokane Rd.
Mead, WA 99021
Ph: 509-238-3191

Past Bronze Statue Winners are:

2008 - Diane Rosenberg of Meadowgate Farm Alpacas
2007 - Bill & Emi Koopman of K-F-F Suri Alpacas
2006 - Barb & Jim Kackley of Alpacas of Prairie Station, LLC
2005 - Ray & Maria Rodriguez of Leraso Farm Alpacas

About the Bronze Sculpture, "Kuchi"

Thelma Weresh and SculptureThe Suri Sculpture was created by artist and sculpturer, Thelma Weresh, a nationally recognized artist.  Born on a homestead in southeastern Colorado, she has witnessed the better part of the 20th century American history and recorded much of its daily life throught her art.  She studied art at the College of Saint Mary in Omaha with graduate work at the University of Nebraska.  Thelma taught art in the public schools and founded the the art department at Boys Town.  The Suri Network is grateful to Thelma Weresh for this limited edition bronze sculpture she calls "Kuchi."